
Family engagement, technology


15% Discount


Courtney Hernandez
Account Executive | Remind


Take family engagement to the next level

Remind is a communication platform that reaches students and families where they are. We believe that relationships drive success in education, and built a platform that supports learning wherever it happens. Today, the Remind platform is home to one of the largest free services in education, a school communication business that supports millions of students, and an online tutoring solution that provides help outside the classroom. Click here to read why Milwaukee Public Schools decided to upgrade to a Remind District Plan to support family engagement.

Compare Remind Plans here: https://www.remind.com/hub-plans

Why switch to a district plan?

  • Oversight- comply with state and district requirements with direct access to message history on Remind. This will allow district administrators to conduct internal investigations and respond to public record requests.

  • Two-way messaging- with automated translation to comply with ESSA and Title I requirements.

  • One-to-One Voice Calling allows teachers to speak to parents without revealing their cell number. It's helpful not only for classroom teachers but also for coaches and counselors as well.

  • Equity in learning - On the free version people have to opt-in so you are not reaching everyone in your district. When you connect to your SIS on Remind Hub you auto-opt everyone in to make sure everyone is being reached.

  • Consistency- Have one two-way communication tool that is district supported and built into your communication policy to create a smoother experience for teachers, students and families.


For more information about how a Remind plan can improve family engagement at your school or district, contact cesapartnerships@remind.com. CESA Purchasing members receive a 15% discount on purchases.