Unruly Splats


Coding for Kids, Learning Technology, STEM Technology, Block Coding, Physical Education


CESA Purchasing pricing


Ariana Breckner
Unruly Studios

FREE Resource

About Unruly Splats: 

At Unruly Studios, our mission is to empower students to learn critical STEM skills through active, social, recess-style play! Our one-of-a-kind STEM learning tool called Unruly Splats integrates physical activity with coding for elementary and middle school students. 

Splats are programmable devices that light up, make sounds, and sense when they’re stomped on. Students code Splats with the Unruly block coding app on a tablet or Chromebook to make their own active games, and then play them with classmates. Students have invented hundreds of their own games including relay races, obstacle courses, and 'zombie tag' to name a few. Use Splats with students of varying ages and needs in any learning space: classrooms, gyms, libraries, innovation labs, maker spaces, and after-school programs.

Our full-service school plans includes our hardware, software, school support, lesson plans, and ongoing professional development. For more information, visit www.unrulysplats.com.

Unruly Splats