

Vocabulary improvement platform

Vocabulary.com offers all CESA Purchasing members a free trial of Vocabulary.com's Educator Edition


Contact Gary Roberts to find out more about Vocabulary.com and how we partner with schools and districts


Gary Roberts
Manager, Education Partnerships

When kids can read, anything is possible

About Vocabulary.com

Vocabulary.com is a platform for systematic, lasting vocabulary improvement that goes beyond rote memorization to truly teach all the meanings and subtle nuances of words. Used in over 42,000 schools in the US, Vocabulary.com easily integrates with any curriculum and automatically adapts to each student’s individual ability. The heart of Vocabulary.com is an adaptive learning game that is backed by the world’s smartest dictionary. Because it’s adaptive, Vocabulary.com is a platform for differentiated vocabulary learning that can serve students from 5th grade until adulthood. It continuously assesses each student and provides focused practice for the words they need to learn. Each week, millions of students, teachers, and life-long learners across the globe use Vocabulary.com to master words, build a better vocabulary, and improve literacy.

Find out about all the features we offer educators
Vocabulary.com’s tools for teachers allow you to monitor your students’ progress.

Learn about the research behind Vocabulary.com
We're in this together: Let's close the gap, starting with the cracks.