With art class often an overlooked subject in the school curriculum, it can be tough to determine a budget and what’s essential to buy. What purchases can you make that are worthwhile for students to express themselves? Take the following into consideration as you plan purchases for all your projects, whether for a general classroom curriculum, special holiday projects, or any creative assignment:
Introducing Our New Source Quote Service – Your Gateway to Simplified School Purchasing
CESA Purchasing is excited to provide a valuable new layer of procurement support - our source quote(s) service.
Building Successful Surveys
Whether you’re trying to understand your community’s opinion on referendums or how your staff is doing, surveys are a valuable tool for learning about a population on a large scale. When properly planned, you can be much more confident of your results. In this article, we’ll go over the four “C’s” to consider when planning your survey:
Veracity Joins the CESA Purchasing Vendor Partner Program
CESA Purchasing is excited to partner with Veracity, a K-12 Technology Management Company, as the newest organization to join the Vendor Partner Program. The partnership with Veracity will bring their Technology Management System (TMS) to Wisconsin Schools at discounted prices for the first couple of years of use.