A Reminder List to Enter the School Year

Purchasing and business department continue to be an essential part of schools and other educational entities. They maintain a balanced budget, follow state and federal rules and regulations, and act as the liaison between their organization and the vendor. As we enter the fall and another school year, there is a lot to track and maintain an organized purchasing department. Today, we’ll give some reminders of things to check to have a successful start to the fall.

Ensure staff understand the purchasing process

With the chaos of starting a new school year, sometimes your staff may need to remember the proper protocols to order supplies. Especially with new staff, they might need to learn there was an appropriate way to order items in the first place. That’s why it’s essential to remind early and often how to request purchases. However they submit a form or a request to you, make sure they aren’t going rogue with making purchases on their own. Explain the proper steps through a flyer, video, or presentation so everyone comprehends why the process is the way it is.

Check the cost of goods across the market

Due to inflation, global markets, and other factors, what something cost a year ago can significantly change to what it costs today. That’s why, as you keep a balanced budget, it’s essential to keep up to date on the news and trends to know what to expect from purchases. Take time to research what’s happening in the world and the future of your school or organization. For example, if a new building will be constructed or a repair to an existing structure, start checking the prices of materials. This will help give you a general idea of what prices to look for when you go to bid or search for vendors. It’ll also provide you with knowledge and talking points as you chat with your team on the cost-efficient ways to determine solutions.

Monitor your stock and status of furniture and equipment

A new school year or season brings new issues you may not have noticed or remembered during the summer. You especially learn about issues when teachers or staff mention they’re out of a supply of essential items or an essential tool for their work broke. That’s why the more you can stay ahead of the problems, the better. How are your stock levels for classroom supplies, cleaning supplies, and other items in the storage room? Is there any furniture or equipment that will need repairs or replacement in the near future? Take some time to check everything over to see if there’s anything you can plan for now and start working towards a solution.

Register for upcoming conferences

With everything you have to track in your purchasing role, it can be hard to remember to take time for yourself for professional development and connecting with others who work in similar positions. That’s why attending conferences can be helpful in gathering new ideas, updating your policies, and taking a breather from the day-to-day routine of your role. Below are a few conferences that you may want to consider this fall in Wisconsin:

  • Oct 5-6, 2023: WASBO Fall Conference

  • Oct 30-31, 2023: Midwest Facilities Masters

  • Nov 3, 2023: WI Museums Conference

If you have conferences we’re missing that we should add to this list, please let us know!


You have a tough job ahead of you, but we know from getting to know many of you in the purchasing and business departments that you are up for the task. We at CESA Purchasing always want to provide the best resources and vendor partners to suit your needs, so please contact us if you need anything. Have a great fall season and a wonderful start to the school year!