Vendor Partner Article

Supporting Community Banking Through Deposit Management Strategies - By Ampersand

Supporting Community Banking Through Deposit Management Strategies  - By Ampersand

Community banking is truly the foundation of many towns and cities across America. These banks are often the first place people go to get a mortgage, start a business, or simply open their first bank account. Healthy community banks mean a healthy local economy – a place where businesses and families can thrive.

However, community banks are facing more challenges than ever before. They must grapple with keeping deposits coming in, keep up with the host of new fintech on the market, compete with larger banks that can offer more products or better rates, and manage the ever-present issue of ongoing regulatory compliance.

It is in the best interest of everyone that community banks not just survive, but thrive. Corporate, nonprofit, and high-net-worth depositors can meet both ESG and financial goals by supporting community banks through a comprehensive deposit management strategy.

Back-to-School: Prioritizing Student Mental Health During Suicide Prevention Month - By Care Solace

Back-to-School: Prioritizing Student Mental Health During Suicide Prevention Month  - By Care Solace

As students return to school this fall, it's crucial to address the growing mental health challenges they face. With the ongoing effects of the pandemic and how much time they spend online, students are facing more challenges than ever. September is Suicide Prevention Month, which is a perfect time to raise awareness and make sure students have the tools they need to stay mentally healthy.

3 Ways to Boost School Pride This Year (and Why It Matters) - By Kate Larson at Demco

3 Ways to Boost School Pride This Year (and Why It Matters)  - By Kate Larson at Demco

Building crucial connections can help students fall in love with their school

There’s nothing better than a wave of excited students filling your classrooms and hallways at the beginning of a school year. But how can we maintain that sense of excitement through June — including the January doldrums and end-of-the-year chaos? By nurturing students’ sense of school pride and the feeling that they are part of a community they want to belong to.

Why School Devices Need Attention Too - By Kevin Kuckkan at Deledao

Why School Devices Need Attention Too - By Kevin Kuckkan at Deledao

With the rise of smartphones and other devices, there is constant analysis on how technology and their apps are affecting students. Is device banning the way to go? Kevin Kuckkan from Deledao writes in response to policies implemented by the Los Angeles Unified School District and what schools can do to for innovative learning solutions.

How Can Districts Improve Communication with Immigrant and Newcomer Families? - By Ellen Ullman at Bloomz

How Can Districts Improve Communication with Immigrant and Newcomer Families? - By Ellen Ullman at Bloomz

In 2021, 1 in 4 children—or 18.4 million kids—were in an immi­grant fam­i­ly, up from 1 in 5 children in the ear­ly 2000s, according to the Annie E. Casey Foundation. They are the fastest-growing segment of school-age students, and districts need to understand their potential to help them succeed. From encouraging family engagement to expanding the curriculum to include a variety of cultures and backgrounds, there are many steps administrators can take to build relationships with English learner and immigrant families.