Vendor Partner Article

ACT Online Testing by OnToCollege

ACT Online Testing by OnToCollege

High school students throughout Wisconsin prepare for the ACT for months and years, and for good reasons. The score they receive on such as test can make or break the next step in their career. That’s why it’s important to keep track of changes that occur with such a test. Join us today for a guest article written by Vendor Partner OnToCollege regarding the new online ACT.

Providing for Your Teacher and Staff Mental Health

Providing for Your Teacher and Staff Mental Health

There is no denying that our school teachers are under great stress and burnout. According to RAND Corporation’s State of the U.S. Teacher Survey for 2021, teachers were 17% more likely to report symptoms of depression compared to the general population. One in four teachers reported they were likely to leave their jobs by the end of the 20-21 school year. With our teachers feeling this way, how can we expect our students not to experience the same? This article hopes to provide ideas to help your teachers feel appreciated and secure in their classrooms. While by no means a comprehensive list, these are things for you to consider: