A Checklist for Recess and Phy. Ed. Safety

One of the most important times in young children’s lives is during recess, physical education, or other times of active movement. Not only does it allow them to be active, but it’s also a time for learning new skills and a chance to socialize freely with others in their age group. Whether school is out for the summer or playtime is in full swing, you need to make sure everything is up to date and not putting anyone in danger. As such, here’s a checklist to go through to see if you’re providing a worry-free time of activity and fun.

Outdoor Areas

  • Bolts, hooks, chains, and other sharp protrusions are removed or repaired

  • Branches, rocks, weeds, and other hazards are removed

  • Exposed ends are covered with plugs or caps

  • Grass is trimmed, treated, and removed of hazards

  • Ground footings are secured and in good condition

  • High-impact areas where children may bump into something inadvertently are closed off or cushioned

  • In hot weather, surfaces and structures aren’t too hot where they may cause a burn

  • In snowy weather, walking areas and play areas are free of snow and ice hazards

  • Large plastic equipment, such as slides, swings, etc. are in good condition

  • Moving parts are well-lubricated

  • Paint or chalk for kickball, foursquare, or other designated areas is clearly visible

  • Poor drainage areas are adjusted to reduce stagnant water

  • Signs for areas of caution or directions are visible and articulated simply

  • Supports and anchors are secured

  • Surface materials, such as woodchips, are well-distributed and provide enough cushion

  • Wood is uncracked and smooth to avoid splinters

Indoor Areas

  • Bleachers are stored and secured

  • Ceiling lights, fans, and other items are working properly and secured

  • Determine designated areas for more active/passive games, a half-court area for basketball, etc.

  • Doors are working and easy to open

  • First aid kits are accessible and well-stocked

  • Floors are clean and dry

  • Policies are in place to decide indoor or outdoor recess, and what activities are allowed

  • Protective mats cover walls and other potential collision areas

  • Protective mats are cleaned

  • Scoreboards and other wall items are secured in case of a thrown ball or object


Basketballs and other balls and items are properly inflated and not torn

  • Carts, containers, or nets for getting equipment are properly sorted, especially if children will get the equipment themselves

  • Cones and markers for obstacles or drills are in good condition

  • Nets, such as basketball and volleyball nets, aren’t frayed and in good condition

  • Pinnies and other vests are washed and in good condition

  • Other items to consider purchasing/inspecting

  • Bean bags

  • Bowling Set

  • Floor hockey

  • Flying discs

  • Hoops

  • Individual mats

  • Jump ropes

  • Parachute

  • Softball equipment

  • Team building games

  • Whiffle Ball equipment


You’ll want to consult approved organizations for a list of inspection items, but hopefully this helps cover some general items to check on and generates ideas for your unique circumstances. No one wants recess to be the reason someone gets hurt, so implementing ways to prevent accidents will go a long way to make recess and phy. ed. class safe and fun.

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