School Health Corp

A Checklist for Recess and Phy. Ed. Safety

A Checklist for Recess and Phy. Ed. Safety

One of the most important times in young children’s lives is during recess, physical education, or other times of active movement. Not only does it allow them to be active, but it’s also a time for learning new skills and a chance to socialize freely with others in their age group. Whether school is out for the summer or playtime is in full swing, you need to make sure everything is up to date and not putting anyone in danger. As such, here’s a checklist to go through to see if you’re providing a worry-free time of activity and fun.

Preparing and Navigating through a Natural Disaster

Preparing and Navigating through a Natural Disaster

Wisconsin’s tornado season usually runs from April to September, with the peak being in June. Although there’s a very low chance of a worst-case scenario, you still want to be prepared for the sake of everyone who enters your building. This article will give you considerations on how to prepare, act, and then recover should you and your community ever be affected by a tornado or another natural disaster:

Maintaining Healthy Schools in a Post-Pandemic World

Maintaining Healthy Schools in a Post-Pandemic World

With it now being three years since the pandemic began, the goal to keep your school healthy is still just as important. Not only does COVID continue to infect, but seasonal sicknesses such as colds and the flu continue to spread yearly. To help your students and teachers stay healthy and protect the immunocompromised, here are some thoughts to keep your school healthy regardless of the sickness or time of year.