
How Can Districts Improve Communication with Immigrant and Newcomer Families? - By Ellen Ullman at Bloomz

How Can Districts Improve Communication with Immigrant and Newcomer Families? - By Ellen Ullman at Bloomz

In 2021, 1 in 4 children—or 18.4 million kids—were in an immi­grant fam­i­ly, up from 1 in 5 children in the ear­ly 2000s, according to the Annie E. Casey Foundation. They are the fastest-growing segment of school-age students, and districts need to understand their potential to help them succeed. From encouraging family engagement to expanding the curriculum to include a variety of cultures and backgrounds, there are many steps administrators can take to build relationships with English learner and immigrant families.

Preparing and Navigating through a Natural Disaster

Preparing and Navigating through a Natural Disaster

Wisconsin’s tornado season usually runs from April to September, with the peak being in June. Although there’s a very low chance of a worst-case scenario, you still want to be prepared for the sake of everyone who enters your building. This article will give you considerations on how to prepare, act, and then recover should you and your community ever be affected by a tornado or another natural disaster: