In the modern, ever-evolving educational settings, staying ahead is key. As educators, your mission is to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in a constantly changing world. One pivotal area that demands attention and currently promises the most potential is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Here are three reasons why teaching using AI and about AI is imperative for teachers and tech directors.
What Makes Great School Furniture?
Having modern, accessible furniture is critical to the learning experience. Outdated furniture can become more of a liability when it doesn’t suit the environment or the subject matter, causing a distraction to take away from learning. So, what considerations should you have to make learning easier from a furniture standpoint? Let’s consider things that relate to ergonomics, or psychological and physiological factors that affect people’s efficiency, to have in mind as you decide on your next purchase:
Keep Your Data and Technology Safe with These Security Tips
Whether you enjoy it or not, our schools, organizations, and personal lives are increasingly dependent on technology. As such, wrongdoers will use this dependency to target your sensitive information and data. The more walls of defense you place against these bad actors, the safer you can feel navigating our ever-changing digital world. Take the following into consideration to protect you and your staff, students, and customers:
What is Cooperative Purchasing?
What is a Cooperative Purchasing Program? For school purchasers and education business officials, utilizing your cooperative programs can help stretch your budget even further to better serve your students, staff, and clients. Learn all about the world and cooperative purchasing and what it means for you:
Trends to Watch for in Education - 2024
Education has shifted a lot these past few years. The rise of online learning, virtual reality, digital books, legislative changes, and more have shifted education and how we learn. What can we expect as we head into 2024? Let’s look at current trends and what you might expect to see developments in the new year and beyond: