No matter what the school day may offer, there will always be a need to offer meals to keep students fed and ready to learn. Considering students will spend an average of 20 minutes in elementary and middle schools and 24 minutes for high school students in the cafeteria for lunch service each day, this will be a place everyone in your school will remember. Add on breakfast, study periods, and activities, and you have a space that you’ll want thoughtfully designed. If you’re looking for ideas, read this article to make your creative school cafeteria.
Why School Devices Need Attention Too - By Kevin Kuckkan at Deledao
With the rise of smartphones and other devices, there is constant analysis on how technology and their apps are affecting students. Is device banning the way to go? Kevin Kuckkan from Deledao writes in response to policies implemented by the Los Angeles Unified School District and what schools can do to for innovative learning solutions.
Savings in Action - Demco
A Checklist for Recess and Phy. Ed. Safety
One of the most important times in young children’s lives is during recess, physical education, or other times of active movement. Not only does it allow them to be active, but it’s also a time for learning new skills and a chance to socialize freely with others in their age group. Whether school is out for the summer or playtime is in full swing, you need to make sure everything is up to date and not putting anyone in danger. As such, here’s a checklist to go through to see if you’re providing a worry-free time of activity and fun.
Considerations for Disability-Accessible Vehicles
As we want to provide for the needs of all our students and other constituents, we want to carefully consider transportation for our school and events. School buses and other vehicles are specifically made to keep all riders safe and provide a way for all travelers, regardless of individual physical limitations, to get to and from your building. This article will provide thoughts to consider as you shop for vehicles to meet your specific needs, particularly for those with a physical disability.